วันอาทิตย์ที่ 3 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Diablo Battle Chest

Product Features
This collection features Diablo, Diablo II, Diablo II - Lord Of Destruction, and 2 Hint Guides.
In Diablo II, an otherworldly force of chaos named Diablo has taken possession of the hero who banished him from Earth. He now walks the mortal world, causing death and destruction while making deals with other evil forces.
Journey to strange lands as a mighty warrior or powerful wizard
Travel an expanded world with new quests, weapons, spells, armor and monsters
Discover sinister secrets, multiple dungeons, caverns and crypts as you fight to stop the Prime Evils
The perfect game to while away those stolen hours, April 27, 2005
Jay R. Chase (Houston, Texas) - See all my reviews I have played the whole Diablo line since day one. I have put up with lots of abuse, both from wife and kids, about being "addicted". Hah!!! Then one day.... after I poked my head in the room and ran right back out to see if anyone would chase me.... :) Seriously, this game has it all. On most of the lower levels, the game is the equivalent of 'Freecell'. It is motion oriented solitaire, kind of mindless and entertaining. As you move up to the harder levels, surprises come and mental challenges. And of course the guy factor... all those new toys!!! (We even like the nifty clothes... errrr, I mean armor :)) The story lines are interesting, the players can be developed in soooo many different ways and actually have to develop different battle modes that translate well to their individual "characters" (Ever see a barbarian with a bow??) I highly recommend this game, regardless of age or sex, single or multi-player... it rocks!!

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 10 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2551

The Orange Box

The Orange Box delivers five innovative games from Valve, creators of the Half-Life franchise, in one box. The Orange Box includes Half-Life 2: Episode Two, PortalTM, and Team Fortress 2 in addition to full versions of the award-winning Half-Life 2 and Half-Life 2: Episode One for an engrossing first-person action experience.

Thank You Valve!!! Orange Box excelent as i expected!!!5 of the best video games out there. The 5 games are excelent. I love them all!!! Portal 10/10 Team Fortress 2 10/10 Half Life 2 10/10... Published 13 days ago by C. A. Q. Ruiz

Great valueI haven't played Team Fortress 2 for the sheer fact that it might be too addictive, but HL2, the whole series is taking up enough of my time that I'm falling behind on work and...
Published 19 days ago by Say Tar Goh

Great Games + PriceThe games are great and the price is amazing TF2 is fun even thow its cartoonie. the rest are the games are great to :D
Published 19 days ago by GadgetNerd

God of War 2

Learn more about this game at 1UP.com
God of War 2
By Matt Leone -- 11/2/2007When a prerelease God of War 2 demo first arrived at 1UP, the only "secret" we uncovered after two hours of searching was a statue of a small boy peeing in the bathhouse. On its own, this wasn't much of anything, but given the franchise's history of earning its Mature rating, it seemed to hint at something more.
So when the full game arrived for review, we headed back to that statue to see if anything had changed, and...well...it looked about the same. But the statue was joined by two topless ladies waiting for Kratos to Circle-button them, and if you choose to go that route, the camera zooms in on the statue and the boy's stream stops and starts while you hear various noises.
Yes, God of War is back. And if you can imagine someone taking the exact framework of the original and continuing the story, you're on the right track

วันจันทร์ที่ 16 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2551

PC Action Games Reviews

Excellent game!, August 21, By T. Coolong
Fun: I won't go into a lot of detail because most have described the game enough. But just wanted to say this is an excellent game. My Opinion: The graphics are very good along with nice sound effects. I LOVE the opening music that Factions has on its character select screen. Normally I don't care for that kind of music. The main thing I miss in this game is the feeling of an entire real world. All the fighting zones in this game are "instanced" zones, meaning the only people you will see in a zone while fighting is either your computer controlled teammates, or human teammates. If they had made this game with non-instanced zones it would easily kill games like Everquest. I still love this game though even with the instanced zones. I also wish you were able to wield your weapons inside of cities (the only place where you get to meet real, live players). It would be nice to be able to "show off" your cool looking weapon, which this game has a lot of. Currently the player model does not wield his/her weapons inside of cities. The no monthly fee is a HUGE plus for this game over other games of this type. Its also gives you the freedom to take however long you want to level, there is no rush because there are no fees. And your best taking your time. I do plan on buying the next expansion that comes out for this game if I can afford it, although $50 seems a little high. I purchased my copy on sale. World Of Warcraft is also an excellent game, but costs a monthly fee. Most of these newer games have learned from the apathy of the Everquest authors and designed the game towards the player.
PC Action Games//